VPS Group Poland — a new brand in the Enwar family!

Starting from May 2020, Enwar Group will expand its offer to include VPS Site Security products in Poland with a new brand – VPS Group Poland. The company is specialized in the protection of the real estate and construction sites. VPS Site Security uses modern remote security systems; thus, the supervision of the vacancies and non-residential properties is easy and cost-effective.

But why should you use VPS Site Security?

The brand offers a solution that is threefold cheaper compared to physical protection, without the need for any particular installation. All services are provided rapidly, within hours. The systems are based on the deployment of dedicated watchtowers, which can cover up to 2 hectares of land and operate 24 hours a day.

Each unit generates savings over the need for security guards or janitors. They also detect movement automatically and work continuously seven days a week. Moreover, they are equipped with independent rechargeable batteries, which allow them to work without any external power source. Each tower has a digital video recorder and enhanced LED illumination, which enables excellent image quality at night. PTZ cameras also support remote voice communication.

VPS Site Security

Being experts in protection solutions, VPS provides a wide range of cost-effective applications with minimal customer engagement. The features of the SmartTower solutions enable the implementation and activation of a comprehensive security system in a few moments. The surveillance towers are equipped with smart video supervision software. Please do note that adequately developed and secured properties have a higher market value. As a result, they also generate lower costs of insurance against accidents. Check the possibilities and benefits of cooperation with VPS Site Security!

Visit our new website: www.vpsgroup.pl